"How A Virus Changes The World" is a mock PSA created in conjunction with the release of Steven Soderbergh's “Contagion” (2011) for TakePart.com. This two minute meme-tastic visual essay explains how a virus such as influenza can become a pandemic, and the practical ways in which we can prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Basically, it’s a viral that we want to go viral about a virus that we hope won't go all viral. Get your head around that one.
Denizen, Warner Bros., Participant Media, and Take Part
Creative Direction: R. Kyle Shoup
Producer: Stacy Paris
Design Producer: Lusia Boryczko
Animation: R. Kyle Shoup, Jesse Willis, Jennifer Moody, Jamin Clutcher, & Jimmy Fisher
Designers: R. Kyle Shoup & Jennifer Moody
Sound Design: Ryan Pribyl
Agency: Denizen Company
Creative Director: Denizen
Copywriter: Denizen
Art Director: Denizen
Agency Producer: Trista Van Tine
Account Director: Denizen
Created at Foundation Content